Installing Boltzmann 3D Skip to main content

Installing Boltzmann 3D

For Windows, Mac, and Linux

Settings files for common simulations can be downloaded here.

To download the latest version of Boltzmann 3D, follow the instructions below appropriate to your operating system. The current version, 2.49, was released in August 2009.

  1. Downloading with Microsoft Windows:
    1. Download the current version of the Java runtime environment by clicking on Select the free download option.
    2. Ensure that you have updated OpenGL graphics libraries for your video card by updating the video card drivers from your computer or the video card manufacturer. 
      • Find the make and model of your video card by right-clicking on the desktop, selecting properties, selecting the "Settings" tab, and looking under the "Display" heading. 
      • Use your Internet browser to find the manufacturer's website and driver download page.
    3. Click here to download a self-installing Windows executable file for Boltzmann 3D. Follow the file's instructions, including placing an icon on your desktop.
    4. When the installation is complete, double-click the icon. Boltzmann 3D will begin loading.
      • The interface should appear as 50 disks moving in a two-dimensional arena.
      • For instructions and tips, click on "Help" or find the help file in the directory where Boltzmann 3D was installed.
  2. Downloading with Mac:
    1. Download any software updates for your Apple device.
    2. Click here to download a .zip file containing the Boltzmann 3D application. Unzip the file and drag the application into the applications directory to install. 
    3. Double-click on "Boltzmann 3D." The program will begin loading.
      • The interface should appear as 50 disks moving in a two-dimensional arena.
      • For instructions or tips, click on "Help" or find the help file in the directory where Boltzmann 3D was installed.
  3. Downloading with Linux:
    1. Because Linux is open-source and video cards often vary in type, appropriate graphics drivers may need to be downloaded, recompiled, and/or tweaked before using Boltzmann 3D on a Linux platform.
    2. Verify that your computer may run Java 1.5 or above.
    3. Click here to download a Linux gzipped .tar archive. 
    4. Extract the contents of the archive and execute the shell script "Boltzmann3D" (or "boltzmann3d").
      • java-version
      • tar xvf Boltzmann3D.tar.gz
      • cd boltzmann3d
      • ./boltzmann3d

To run Boltzmann 3D on a Power PC Mac, you will need to run an older version of Boltzmann 3D. Click here for that version.